Membership Costs
Membership can be paid through a recurring monthly (£15/family) or annual (£160) subscription. Membership must be kept up to date to access TEACH services, including the discounted pricing for curriculum shown below.
Curriculum Pricing
Home education is not an easy choice for any family to consider, and costs are usually a big factor. The ACE programme is structured so that you can purchase as little or as much of the materials in a year so you want. Some families purchase a few PACEs at a time, some buy a whole year's worth, it's really up to you!
The pricing below is split by level (each level takes roughly an academic year to complete). Based on a student working through six ACE subjects, we would estimate the cost to be between £450-600 per year per student. These costs are lower for subsequent children (around £350-400 per year), as the score keys and reading books can be reused.
Please note that all of these prices take into account the 20% discount that TEACH members receive. The price that is shown on does not include this discount until you have joined TEACH and completed your parent training. ICCE registration fees are applicable from level 8 onwards.
Note: Fees are subject to change.